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The Polish language, like most others, giNGER FeEt XxX PhotoS has swear phrases and obscenity. Some thoughts are not always seen as being quite disrespectful, but some people find them to be very insulting and disrespectful. Words that might be considered most derogatory, based on multiple sources, ]1]]2]]3 ] are not necessarily a general and have not been decided upon in a more definite manner. ]4 ]

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There are different types of yelling( as coined by Steven Pinker ): harsh, healing, dysphemistic, assertive and expressive. ]5 ]]6]

Every type of yelling is used in Polish. According to analysis," Polish individuals hear obscenity more frequently in a public place than in a secret place." ]7]]7 ] 65 % of surveyed adults said they swore because they were upset, and only 21 % said they never swore.

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The CBOS ( Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej, The Center for Public Opinion Research ) has done surveys to examine the use of profanity. In the studies statement, it was pointed out that the private sector's information might not be true because it is a secured and imagined space, which could lead to highlighting or changing the responses of the survey's respondents, which would give a false impression. ]8 ]

Most commonly used vulgarisms ]edit ]

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According to language Jerzy Bralczyk, there are only five fundamental vulgarities in Polish. ]10] The remainder are pairings of these five, derived phrases and phraseological connections. ]9 ] The dictionary of real Polish gives four words in 350 configurations, including the word" shit" in 47 functions. When new phrase setups are created or their conceptual environment modifications, new vulgarisms appear. These are" cock" ( chuj )," cunt" ( pizda ), "fuck" ( pierdolić, jebać ) and "whore/shit/fuck" (kurwa ).

Sex-related obscenities]edit]

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1. Absolutely"pussy". The little" cipka," which is typically not regarded as crude, is another kind of the phrase. 3. A person that is considered ignorant. 2. An attack towards a women.
1. Like" cipa Socjolingwistyka. 31: 205-230. doi: 10.17651/SOCJOLING. 31.13. Primum Verbum. ISBN 9788362157174. OCLC 767863631.
^ Dokowicz, Agnieszka. ( 2015 ). Wulgaryzmy w języku kibiców polskich, czyli" Polska grać, k... mać"!. Naukowe Silva Rerum, a WYDAWNICT. All vulgarisms.
^" WSJP, certolić się". website. wsjp. pn. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
^" WSJP, wypierdalać". website. wsjp. pn. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
^" ciota- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^" cwel- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^" WSJP, kiblować". website. wsjp. pn. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
^ "kurwa- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^" WSJP, kurwa". website. wsjp. pn. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
^ "mieć nasrane w głowie- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^ "obesrać- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^" WSJP, obsrać". website. wsjp. pn. Retrieved 2019-06-11.
^ "wyglądać jan pół dupy zza krzaka- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^ "zabrać dupę w troki- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^ "zapieprzać- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^ "zapierdalać- Wikisłownik, wolny słownik wielojęzyczny". pn. wiktionary. nonprofit. Retrieved 2019-05-12.
^ a b Tereszkiewicz, Anna ( January 2013 ), Do Poles flame? Polish aggression on social networking and discussion forums ( PDF), vol. ^" Profanity

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